Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Party Hats

I worked on two new party hats today.  I was at one of my local scrapbook stores yesterday.  I saw these super cute princess crowns made with scrapbook paper.  They have a class on May 1st to learn how to make them, but that day is my daughter's bumble bee party.  I was bummed I could not attend.  I went home thinking about these crown hats!  I could not sleep thinking I could come up with one on my own and here it is!  What do you think?  
 I also worked on this polka dot party hat for one of my blog friends.  Her name is Laura.  You can see her super fun blog HERE.  Her daughter is turning 5 next month and she is having a polka dot/lollipop party in these colors!  How super fun!  
 Both hats available on my shop.  You can click HERE.