Friday, July 9, 2010

Carnival Party

Are you ready for a serious "Carnival" party?!!!  I mean...there is so MUCH talent out there.  I love to find these women who inspire me with ideas! Adriana did an unbelievable job with her son's 1st birthday party! He is one lucky and blessed little boy :)

Look at this "TICKETS" booth and that fun stand with a photo of the birthday boy!...seriously?!! First thing that caught my attention :)

 Do you see this set up?  Look at it it amazing or what?!

 Carnival carousel for the kids...WOW!  I want in there :)

Shaved ice, lemonade, cotton candy, etc...etc...

The cake....OH MY!!! Wishing I had this talent! :)

Party favors and many more photos you must see on her blog!
I am so happy there are more women out there who LOVE to throw an amazing party!  Congrats Adriana! You should be so proud of yourself!

Thank you for letting me share with my followers! 

Have a wonderful weekend!!!