Friday, October 1, 2010

Golf Party

It's FRIDAY!!!  Yeah!!!! 

Ok ladies....seriously!!  This golf party just took my breath away!!! No joke!! Check out all the AAWWWWMAZING details!!!!

Shelley, from How Does She? is beyond incredible! You have set the bar way high my friend!! I can't wait to see what you do next!!!

Enjoy the pics! No need to explain them... lol :)

Can you say WOW!?.... What was your favorite detail?  I loved the sandwiches and cupcakes!!!!  So creative!!!


  1. Love it..I have to agree the "Club Sandwiches" are too darn cute!

  2. This is beyond adorable! I love everything! So jealous!

  3. ADORABLE! I love the golf ball cake pops!! She did an amazing job!!

  4. I love this party! Now how to get my soon to be 3 year old to want a golf party and not a Disney Cars party? :)

  5. Thanks Nancy! Lisa, I just went to the most AMAZING Cars party!!!! I am going to post on it soon. I couldn't believe how adorable and NOT tacky it turned out to be! :)
