Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Farm Party

I came across this party the other day and I think you'll love it!!!  It's so unique!  I love love love the, aqua, and pink!!!!  Check it out!!!

Do you see all the little details on this photo?  She tied a bow on the rock candy?...really?...super cute!!

Loving the flowers on these buckets!!!

Peanut butter & jelly sandwiches wrapped all's all about the details, my friends!

How adorable are these glass jars with red roses?!!!! LOVE LOVE!!!

Did you love this???!!  Be sure to stop by Social Butterfly Ink's blog to see more pics!!  She is so fabulous!!!  Thank you sweet Jennifer for letting me share!!! :)  You did a terrific job!!!


  1. YAY! Love.. I decided my daughter (Also Ava) is going to have a farm party in January! Perfect timing!! Thanks =) =)

  2. love the party and those flowers on the little buckets are Tanya Whelan Fabric, pretty sure the Darla collection.. I JUST got 3 Aprons out fo that collection including tha fabric at Home Goods for $5!!! If you have one close to you anyway.

  3. Love this party! Also adore your blog & have for some time ;) Thanks for the blog love today!
