Tuesday, January 25, 2011

New York Trip Day 1

I had the most amazing opportunity to go to the Martha Stewart's Dreamers Into Doers Event last week!  The event was at the Martha Stewart Headquarters in New York City!....Wooohooo!!!!  I've never been there so, it was a real treat! Not to mention, I got to go with several fabulous local chicks who are party addicts like me....haha!

We arrived safely Sunday afternoon, we checked in, got layered, and out to look for a place to eat....everything sounded good at this point!

With my roomies, Jill from Modern Cupcake and Rebecca from Fresh Chick Design Studio.  Our other roomie, Andrea hadn't arrived yet!  I was super excited to meet her!

It was fun walking around even though it was like 10 degrees outside!...Here's Rebecca and I goofing off already....ha!  We were just so happy to be there!  It felt like we were young college girls again! :)

After getting lost and walking around in circles...ha!....We ended up at this popular restaurant, CAFETERIA.....LOVED IT!! If you go to NYC, you must go eat here and order the mac-n-cheese spring rolls....amazing!

This next picture totally cracks me up!!!....We all match....did you notice that?  What the heck?!  Jill and Rebecca want to be like me when they grow up...hahaha!!...Just kidding!!  Love you girls!!!

Be sure to come back tomorrow for my next post!!! :)


  1. Y'all are so cute! What a fun time!! Next time, I want to be in up in that picture, too! :)

  2. Very nice pictures, looks like you had a great time.
