Thursday, January 6, 2011

Talented Friend From Dress ReHERsal

Every Thursday I will feature a talented friend.  Most of them are Etsy sellers, but sometimes they will not be.  Be sure to check back every week!  You won't want to miss this since they will probably offer super fun promotions!!....Yaaay!!!  

Meet Lisa from the oh so chic, stylish, and, beautiful shop Dress ReHERsal.  I absolutely ADORE her clothes!!!  My girls keep me pretty broke let me tell ya!...ha!!

Lisa is from Raleigh, NC.  She is happily married to her highschool sweetheart with 2 great kids.  Michael, age 9 and, Emily age 3.

What do you enjoy doing with your free time? Spending time with my family and friends.

Favorite color? Pink , of course!

Favorite food? Chocolate

If you could throw a party for yourself, what would the theme be? If I threw a party for myself, it would probably be a beach theme.

Which talent you wish you had, but you don’t? I feel that God has blessed me with many talents, so if I had to wish for something, I would want patience - even though that is not a talent, that is what I need most.

Who or what inspires you to be creative? My kids and my love of art, photography, fashion design and love of sewing.

What thing or things do you enjoy shopping for at Michaels/Hobby Lobby or any craft store? Since I buy most of my fabrics and supplies directly from the manufacturers, I like shopping at Michael's for ways to be organized.

Tell me about your etsy shop/online store. How, why, when did you start your business? I started my etsy shop only a few months after my daughter (who is now 3) was born. I like to shop at high end children's boutiques, and often times Emily would be wearing something that I made her when I would be shopping in local bouqiues. Several times the owners would stop and ask me "where did you get that cute outfit?" It took only a few requests for wholesale orders from the local stores for me to figure out, I am in a good market to make a business out of my hobby. And, with the downturn of the income at my "real job" the timing was perfect for me to try an online store. It was a success for me from the very first item I listed and I have sold over 3,000 items since.

What do you love most about blogging, facebook, and/or having your own etsy shop? I love being able to showcase my creations. I also like using my neighbhors and friends children to model for me. It is so rewarding to see such nice comments posted or feedback given for the items I make. Knowing that I do this all by myself, with no help, and their comments are talking about ME!

Thank you  for reading Lisa's interview!  Be sure to check out her shop and guess what?!  She is offering FREE SHIPPING to all of you who read this....Woohoo!!!  You can enter "NANCY" at checkout.  Her website,

AND- Be sure to stop by my sweet bloggy friend, Heather's blog for a fun giveaway!  Go HERE.

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