Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Healthy Snack Idea {Wonderballs}

Today's post has nothing to do with parties, but I'm sure you won't be disappointed! Last summer I found this recipe and it instantly went into my list of favorites, and whenever I take it somewhere people are always asking for the recipe. I love that you can keep these Wonderballs on hand in the freezer as a ready made snack. The recipe comes from Meal Planning Mommies, be sure to check out their blog for other awesome recipes. 


1 cup peanut butter
1 cup honey
1/2 cup milled flax seed
2 cups uncooked oatmeal
1/4 cup chopped nuts
1/2 cup dried fruit
1/2 cup chocolate chips

*I like that you can vary the ingredients every time, use raisins or dried cranberries, only have peanuts on hand, great use those, and maybe almonds next time! I'm not a huge chocolate fan so I always put white chocolate chips in.*

-Mix honey and peanut butter in a large bowl
-Once mixed together add the oatmeal and flax seed, stir together
- Add in your nuts, fruit, and chocolate and mix it all together

Now you will have a big sticky blob. I like to take a little bit out and roll them into balls, placing them on a cookie sheet lined with freezer paper. Once my cookie sheet is filled with Wonderballs, I stick it in the freezer for about 30 min. Once they are mostly hardened I then transfer them to a tupperware to store in the freezer. It seems to be a little easier to get them stored in the tupperware if they are already frozen. 

Let us know if you try these and how you like them, and be sure to let Meal Planning Mommies you sure appreciate the recipe too!


  1. Yum!!! These look like a great recipe for camping. Thanks for the post!

  2. These sound delicious! Thanks so much for sharing this healthy recipe. =)
