Friday, April 29, 2011

April Showers Friday Party Feature

Today's Featured Party goes to the AMAZING Jenny of 
Crossing the Bugger-Dixon Line!
I'm so excited this party is being featured today because Jenny won a giveaway over on my blog, Pirates-n-Princesses, and used some of her winnings in this fabulous party! 

{Adorable table runner courtesy of A to Zebra Celebrations!}

 {Those rain boots are too stinkin' CUTE!}

 {LOVE these cookies courtesy of

 {Those umbrellas are so clever!  LOVE it!}

Congrats on the winning feature today, Jenny!  
Everything was absolutely adorable!
To see more photos from this amazing party go check out Jenny's blog HERE!


  1. Aw, I love the galoshes centerpiece! The umbrellas are awesome, too.

  2. The umbrellas look amazing! Love this party concept.
