Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wonderful Websites Every Wednesday!

Welcome to my new weekly post, "Wonderful Websites Every Wednesday"!  Do you love the pretty banner?  I do! My friend, Wendy from Green Beansie Cards designed it.  Be sure to check out her shop....super cute designs! 

I decided to start this weekly post after this past Sunday, I asked my fans on Facebook to post their business link if they'd like to share.  I was amazed at the quick response and the number of entries posted.  I believe there's a big need for women to network and share their entrepreneur business.  I love promoting others and helping you grow your business!

So, here's your opportunity to link your etsy shop, website, facebook page, or blog.  Feel free to spread the word and tell your friends/family who are also wanting to grow their business.  You will have 48 hours to post your link.  If you didn't get to, no will start over the following Wednesday.

If you'd like to direct people to a special promotion or discount, be sure to note on your etsy shop, website, or facebook page for people to see.  I recommend potential customers to be required to let you know they found your store from, A To Zebra Celebrations to receive discount.  This way you can track how much business you are actually getting from posting your link here.  This is just a suggestion, you don't have to agree to this.

I'm super excited! I can't wait to check out your business!
Thank you for participating.

All the best to all of you!


P.S. I'm always looking for vendors who would like to do a giveaway on my blog.  If you are interested, email me at


  1. Yay! Thanks for the chance to link up! I'm looking forward to finding some great new shops/businesses! :)

  2. Thanks for the opportunity to link up!! I hope to do a giveaway with you sometime in the future! Blessings! *Ü*

  3. Thank you!

    Lynda (Sandy Gram-Say it in the Sand)

  4. "Party Inspiration & all things pretty" on my site:
    Thanks for giving us the opportunity to share!

  5. Thank you Nancy!

  6. Thanks Nancy. You're a sweetheart!

  7. What a generous idea! Thank you! I would love to do a giveaway for your blog sometime!
    Chrissie Barcelona

  8. Thanks for stopping by my page Nancy and for this opportunity to share our links....great idea! :) ~Katrina

  9. Thank you so much! Here is a link to my Etsy store.
