Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Happy 4th of July (A little late)

I've been MIA for a little bit...... I was on a fabulous vacation with my husband and 2 girls.  We went to California for 10 days.  I have to tell you it was very refreshing.  We had so much fun!!  Here's our 4th of July picture at Balboa Park in San Diego.  It was gorgeous!!!

I have to share this cool bench at the park.....zebra?....how fun is that?!....I made my  husband take a picture of me?....I know, I am a dork!...ha!

I had the opportunity to go to Starbucks with Jennifer Amarel Sbranti from HWTM website!  She is so sweet, humble, genuine and so nice!  How lucky am I seriously?... She took time out of her busy schedule to meet with little me from Arizona...lol  I'm so thankful!  I continue to be one of her biggest fans.  I admire all she does.  She inspires me tremendously.  I hope you check out her amazing new website.  

How was your 4th of July?  Did you throw a party?  Share, share!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you had loads of fun in California.

    I enjoyed reading the article you recently posted on Facebook.

    Love, love, love the zebra table too! It's totally you!
