Thursday, January 5, 2012

Let me be truthful Thursday!

Welcome to my first weekly Thursday post of 2012!

I want to keep these posts down to earth, real, no lies, no bragging, plain simple and honest truth. By no means, I intend to come off as a negative person or a downer. I'd love for you to know that I struggle and have challenging situations often like a lot of us do!

I have been thinking about how to connect with you who are following. I often get emails about "how do you do it all"? "can you tell me how you started your business?", etc...etc... You are all so nice and leave me the sweetest comments here or my Facebook page. Thank you! I really love this phrase because this is how I feel and I am ok with that:
Source: via Nancy on Pinterest
I will get personal with you all. Let me tell you that my life is NOT perfect! I have so much guilt especially this past year. My business has taken so much time away from my family. I'm still trying to figure out balance.

I got married to a wonderful guy back in 2001. My ultimate dream in this life was to be married and become a stay-at-home mommy with a girl and a boy. Little did we know, it would take over 4 years to get pregnant after two IVF's attempts. I had a rough time while going through my infertility years. I truly have a heavy heart for anybody out there who is on this painful road right now. I know exactly how it feels to be there. God blessed us with our Ashley in Oct 2005. We were so thrilled to be parents! 9 months later I found out I was pregnant with Hannah. Yup! no trying, no drugs, no infertility doctor, nothing! I was in shock for about 4 She was born in April 2007. My girls are 17 months apart!...yikes right?....It was hard, but we got through it.

Fast forward to 2009 when my daughter Ashley had a zebra party. It was and it still is one of my favorite parties I have planned for my girls. It is special because right after that "A to Zebra Celebrations" was born. I remember opening my etsy shop and listing a few bows my mom had made and I posted some of the decorations I made for the zebra party. My thoughts were "I am doing this as a hobby when my girls are sleeping".....sounds like a perfect fit for a stay-at-home mommy right?

I decided to send the party pictures to a party site (can't remember which one) to be considered for a feature. They accepted, but after that I had other people ask if they could feature it. I was so thrilled and happy that the hard work I had put into that party was paying off and getting some attention on several party lover sites!

The items listed in my shop started selling, especially the zebra items. I didn't go into debt to start this business. I basically would buy the supplies after the customer paid for the banner they wanted.

So, there you have a brief idea of how the business got started and a little info about how we became a family of 4.

A few more truthful thoughts:

I get irritated and impatient with my girls every day.

My bed doesn't get made every day

My laundry is piled everywhere. I will share pics and do a post about

I used to plan my meals and I don't anymore

The list could go on and on...... You'll need to come back next Thursday to read another truthful Thursday :)

Do you have any questions, topics, or anything you'd like to see on these Thursdays posts? Leave me a comment with your ideas/questions. Do you like reading these kinds of posts?


  1. What a great post. My # 2 & #3 girls are 16 months apart, I can so relate to the beginning chaos, but wouldn't change it for the world. You are blessed, your blog is very helpful!

  2. Love to see that through all the pretty, wonderful parties and tv spots you do, the realities are all the same.

  3. Nancy, I soooooo get it! I try too hard to be everything to everyone but as you know this is a non-stop crazy business, especially if you have a passion for it. It can consume all areas of your life and overwhelm at times. I guess we take one change at a time. My own resolution is just to be more mindful of my children's needs. It's so easy when facing hundreds of emails, orders, blogging, putting party together, photo shoots and all the rest to lose that simple insight.... be mindful. So I've been trying harder and committing to more family meals together. I couldn't be happier with the results just this week! It gives me more energy knowing that the people I care for most are happier.

    My house used to be clean. It's so not anymore. I used to volunteer at school. Now that's almost out of the question. But my kids (I hope!) are learning a valuable lesson in hard work, perseverance and believing in yourself.... following your dreams. I love all the women I meet in this business because I know THEY KNOW. They know how hard it can be at times, but are motivated and passionate and want to help their husbands with the family finances.

    May we all find more balance this year! Thanks so much for sharing!


  4. Way to go Nancy! I know, I struggle with the same thing. The internet can be a "false" place sometimes and it's good to keep it real. My bed is NEVER made. LOL.

  5. ♥ you Nancy, great REAL post. Every mother out there can relate to.

  6. Nancy - ((HUGS)) My kids are 13 months apart; my bed is only made when clean sheets go on and those usually get put on when it is time for bed! I'm a single mom and I struggle finding the balance between family and work; I think every working mom does, but we hate to show/talk about it. Thank you for your honesty and reminding us that we are not alone in our imperfect and guilt-ridden lives.

  7. Great post! I can totally relate as I sit in my messy bedroom with a pile of laundry beside me and my bed in feel like a chicken running around with its head cut off most of the time! Trying to find the balance between work and the kids is really been hard for me also! I'm just taking it one day at a time and figuring it out as I go. Thanks for the honesty! :) now...I better go make that bed :)

  8. Our laundry has become a permanent part of the decor in our house :)

  9. I love this!!! Can TOTALLY relate!!!!! Laundry is my FOR REAL!


  10. I love your post! I'm not sure if you know Maiden Jane (from Etsy). She and I were just discussing how important it is to be real and be more gentle with ourselves when we are not superwomen!
    I'm looking forward to more posts! My bed does not get made everyday either! Knowing that makes me like you even more:)

  11. I love this post! I totally understand! I have 4 girls...a 21 month, 3yr, 4yr, and a 7yr old. My middle two girls are, get this, 10 months and 3 days apart! I took fertility meds with my 7yr and 4yr old...the other two girls happened with no meds. I home school my 7yr old. My bed usually NEVER gets made and I run myself ragged keeping up the house (doesn't help that I'm OCD about cleaning!)...can't wait to read more of your blogs! :)

  12. Nancy,
    I LOVE THIS! I have been struggling with this for over 11 years now. My children are now 20 and 17. In just a few days my son is leaving home ~ moving away. Many tears are in my near future, wondering if I got it right. Did I spend too much time working??? All of this I have done for the future for my children, so I thought. I know I will be boohooing big time next week when he leaves. I want to thank you for this ~ LOVE keeping it real! Thank you!!!!
    Melinda ~ Persona Gift Pail

  13. Nancy, I could hug you!! I loved every honest word of your post. It's wonderful to get swept up in the "pretty" but every mom (and business woman) knows that life, with all its ups and downs and struggles, happens in the dark corners of the each beautifully photographed facade. Sometimes it's nice to be reminded that we are not alone and those struggles exist for each one of us.

    My children are hard won as well (2 rounds of IVF for the 1st and 5 for the second. You gotta love it when you're given a 1% chance). Congratulations on your beautiful girls! I can only imagine the pain and heartache that went into bringing them into this world.

  14. Nancy, working moms get it!!!! I sit here reading this with my girls still home on winter break (and getting crankier everyday!), and the overwhelming wish for school to start already. I'm still waiting for the laundry fairy to appear and take care of the laundry, and she can bring her cousin the cleaning fairy along as well :)

    Love your honesty!

  15. I sometimes walk away from reading blogs or facebook feeling horrible about myself seeing these perfect photos plastered all's so nice to hear that your life isn't perfect and that you struggle just like the rest of us.

    Seriously I'm giving you a standing O! I'll be back every Thursday instead of doing the dishes or folding the laundry LOL

    You rock and are an inspiration.

    Party Love,


  16. Thanks for this post Nancy... it was so real and heartfelt. I can relate to trying to find balance between business and personal life ... that has been my biggest struggle, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve this year and hopefully I slowly find the balance.

    Enjoyed the post ... keep them coming and thanks for inviting me into your world : )

  17. Love it Nancy!!! Just started as an event designer 2 yrs ago when my son left for college and it is non-stop! (I have always done other at home businesses though) Only other women who have their own businesses know. Being a "stay at home" mom and having your own business I believe is THE hardest because we are expected to do it ALL! (from others & ourselves)I still have to make myself take time for my husband, friends and my son when he is home to visit. We got pregnant with him on our honeymoon but lost our 2nd and did 2 rounds of IVF with no results, then I had to let go of what I thought was God's plan for my life.
    So life is always a balance, especially when we have jobs we love. But being on the "other side" of raising my son... treasure those moments with your girls as much as you can. It goes sooooo fast!!!

  18. Ohhh you are all so sweet!!! Thank you for the comments! I love reading them. I had yet another CRAZY day and the dishes from breakfast and lunch are still in the sink and it's after 5:30pm. My daughter comes to ask me what we are having for dinner and I have NO clue! LOL......

  19. Wow! I love your post! My new year's resolution is to do more with my family and less of the not so important things. Having three girls under the age of 5 and doing lots of parties was crazy last year! Love your blog!

  20. I love your post and enjoy hearing the personal part of your life. I love your blog and know a lot of work goes into it! Balance is soo hard to manage

  21. Great post! We are all human! And shoot, I never make my bed except laundry day lol It is a balance and no being perfect makes you lovable and relatable!

    hugs! Kim @ Party Frosting!
