Thursday, January 12, 2012

Let me be truthful Thursday!

Thursday is here!!!!
 I invite you to see what my real life is like!.... I am an ordinary, stay-at-home mommy to 2 little girls, ages 6 and 4 1/2.  They keep me b.u.s.y!!

Before I had my girls, I used to be a clean, no, no, you have NO idea!!  I mean, I would scrub my grout with a sick is that?!  I was so anal and constantly cleaned and cleaned even after I had my first girl.  Well....that was quickly fading and my 2nd daughter was born....forget it!!..No way I could keep up.

2 years later, I started my business, A to Zebra Celebrations.....phew!! Cleaning?....what is that?...I would be so embarrassed if you came into my's a disaster!!!  

The dishes...oh my the worst enemy besides laundry!! They just pile up every second don't they?  

Here's what my kitchen sink looks like every day.....gross!! Ohhh- check out I still have my Halloween hand wash soap out in January....haha! I'm on top of it right? see what I mean?....real life!

And they just might need to sit there ALL DAY!! haha..... can you smell it?...yup! my girls say "mommy! it stinks in here"  

They aren't too young to help right?  I wish I looked this happy doing 

What chore is your worst nightmare?

What would you think about opening this "Truthful Thursday" as a linky and you all can write a post and link it here for all of us to read?  I'd love to read's great to know I am not the only one with a nasty kitchen and other painful truths....ha!! :)


  1. Truthful thursdays seems like an interesting idea. Not sure how many people would be brave enough to post but it would be nice to know you're not the only one. I also have trouble with dishes. I hate doing them. They just pile up so quickly. What a pain! If i want to keep a dish free sink i have to wash right after i use and that gets old quick!

  2. The chore I despise doing is cleaning my bathrooms! There is nothing fun about it and I HATE it. They get dirty like 2 days after cleaning them...sigh...I always find something more worth my time than cleaning bathrooms LOL

    Love the idea of a linky!


  3. tuesdays? I meant thursday... lol

  4. Haha . . . I'm glad i'm not the only one that let's the dishes pile up! Recently I haven't cleaned the kitchen b/c it makes me gag, since I'm now pregnant. My husband has realized this and has been pitching in, bless his heart. :) Laundry is also my worst enemy, I don't mind the putting into the washer and dryer it's the folding that I put off doing. ha! Ah the life of being a wife and mother.

  5. Yep got the sink thing going on right now and I have people coming over tonight. What do you think? Should I wash them and pretend it is always fabulous around here?

  6. Nancy~!
    I love this series.... Seriously!!! I love the raw and realness of this. So many people look at all the pretty pictures of people's houses plastered as a part of their business... this is so real and people should see how hard it is to have children, a spouse and run a business. I'm totally down for the linky Thursday. I have been thinking about following your lead and since you opened it up..... I think it is a good idea. How refreshing!


  7. oohhh how that picture soothes my i feel like everyone else has it sooo much more together than I do! Since I have started this business my house is a disaster!! Our dishwasher broke about 5 months ago so my sink looks like this everyday also!! I had someone drop by without much notice a few weeks ago and I actually stuffed all of the dishes into my oven real sad is that! :) Thanks for sharing I needed that!

  8. Ironing is my Achilles' heel! hate it and the laundry piles until Saturday! lol

  9. We hired a cleaning lady a few years ago -- best decision ever! Only problem is, she only comes once a month. That means, I still have to do the darn dishes everyday.

  10. So nice to know I'm not the only work-from-home mommy with these issues! My sink looks a lot like yours today!

  11. So nice to know it's not just me (I even have the same sink & faucet which is horrible for cleaning anything larger than a plate). I think it's a great idea to have turthful Thursday - I'll post on it - and I'm a mess;)

  12. That would be my exact story to a T!!!! Before kids I had vacuum lines in my carpet EVERYDAY--after my 1st I was pretty good still--then the 2nd 1.5 later--not so much lol during wedding season try NO CLEANING AT ALL lol!

  13. OMG!!! The truth is painful indeed, but it is also hilarious!! HA!! It's good to know others are just as human as you. I dispise laundry, and I don't even have kids yet! I feel sorry for me when I have a little one! And forget about cleaning and clearing after an event, that takes months to get rid of my clutter!!!

  14. Thank you so much ladies!!! I truly believe it's easy to portray one person through the internet, but the reality is- that is NOT how it is in your everyday life. I want to stay ordinary, humble, thankful and share my true colors. I am not perfect, I have so many flaws and make mistakes. It is me, the real me and I am happy to share this crazy life of mine! Yes- I will open up al inky for all of you who would like to share. It's encouraging to me to read about others real world. It makes me feel better because I put so much pressure on myself and that is exhausting! I am not going to pretend because that would be dishonesty. THANK YOU again!! You keep a smile on my face :) XO
