Monday, January 16, 2012

Meet A to Zebra Celebrations' Team

A to Zebra Celebrations could never be what it is now without the help, time and talents of these incredible girls! 

Brittany Ciara
Website/Blog Manager
Brittany is the Social Media Manger for a few companies.  She is also a freelance graphic/web designer.  She is self-taught and very smart!
She started her own business: Fun For EP Kids ( It's a free online parent resource for families in El Paso, Tx. 

Favorite candy bar- Kit Kat bars
Favorite store- I don't like shopping, but trips to Hobby Lobby do make me happy. 
Favorite holiday- Easter & Christmas

Christine Copeland
Giveaways Coordinator
Christine is the owner of Desserts & Designs, an event styling and graphic design business started in early 2011. With a background in graphic design and a degree in interior design, she loved how event styling allowed her to combine all of these passions. She lives in West Des Moines, Iowa with her husband and their two children.  

Follow her amazing work on Facebook.  She rocks!
Favorite candy bar- Butterfinger
Favorite store- LOVES to shop everything!
Favorite holiday- Halloween

Keri Elliot
Advertising Assistant
Keri is from Chicago and relocated to Georgia when she was little.  She is married to her high school sweetheart. She loves baking and has recently started her own business, The Sweet Life.  Her dream is to own a shop with all the sweet and yummy treats she makes! 

Favorite candy bar- Snickers
Favorite store- Michaels, Hobby Lobby & NYC Company
Favorite holiday- Thanskgiving

Michelle Knox
Blog Contributor  
Michelle is the owner of I DO invitations by Michelle etsy shop.  She is passionate about party planning, designs adorable invitations, tags, labels and more!  I had the pleasure to meet Michelle last August in San Diego at the HWTM party.  She is happily married and has a gorgeous daughter, Camryn.  See her fabulous and popular Elmo party HERE.

Favorite candy bar- Charleston Chew
Favorite store- Target or Pier One  
Favorite Holiday- Thanksgiving  

I am thankful and so lucky to have these girls in my life!!
They work so hard!!

Would you be so kind and leave them some love? 


  1. Welcome ladies! Nancy is so lucky to have each and every one of you!!

  2. Thank you Nancy for the sweet post - so proud to be a part of your fabulous team! You're amazing! XOXO

  3. Wow, what incredible gals they are! It's so nice to know that you have people that you can depend on. Thanks so much for visiting my blog and for the invitation to share. Not sure what day your party is. I was thinking Tues. but I'll check back. Now a new follower.

  4. Wow awesome!Good to see these happy faces here..
