Thursday, January 26, 2012

Truthful Thursday- Garage sale and cars

Happy Thursday!!

I am going to share with you what we did last weekend because my life is more simple than what you may see through the pretty fancy professional pictures of my parties...just take a look at my no make up face, pj's, coffee and not to mention all the junk on the tables... :):)

My girls love to have garage sales!  My husband makes fun of me when I do garage sales.  He says I make $.50 cents per hour...ha!  I enjoy the down time of just sitting and watching people buy my junk....haha....

I have been organizing and cleaning after putting all of my Christmas stuff away.  However, can you see our lights are still up?...ha!  That is hubby's job to take those down before it gets to be 110 degrees outside :)

One of my friends joined me and it was more fun since she brought her girls to play with mine.... 

How low do you price your stuff?......look at how desperately I want to get rid of my stuff...haha!

I thought I would show off our haven't had a car payment in 5 years and's hard for me to upgrade to anything because who loves having a car payment right?  Our cars have never given us any problems other than maintenance.  I drive this 2005 Toyota Camry......

My hubby drives this 2002 Ford truck..... he often tells me "this little truck takes me from point A to point B and I'm happy".  He is so humble and I love that about him!  The girls had so much fun playing  in the back of the truck while the garage sale was going on.......

Do you like having a garage sales or do you prefer to shop at garage sales?


  1. I love garage sales! For the shopping of course. I've only had two yard sales my whole life and I hated every second of it. I'd rather just give my stuff away.

  2. I LOVE to shop garage sales, but never have had one. I tried once but my little girl decided she still "wanted" everything that I put out to We also drive our cars until they fall apart. We figure it's a whole lot cheaper to maintain and repair one than pay a monthly car note.

  3. Love a good garage sale - going to garage sales are a Saturday morning summer time ritual at my family's beach house on LBI. We can walk or ride bikes and always find great stuff for my parties. I even have my 10 year old daughter excited about "garaging" in the summer! We have hosted several of our own successful sales which paid for some great things....dinner for 8 at Victoria&Alberts in WDW, wedding limos, summer fun "fund," and new deck furniture!

  4. I'm just so impressed your garage is so clean and empty! I really should have had a garage sale, but it was easier to just put a Craig's List 'free - come & get it' ad!

  5. Love this, Nancy!!! First off, you are rocking those shoes with your pj pants!! LOL! We do garage sales occasionally to clear out the house but I never shop at them. #1 You have to get up WAAAAY too early. I only get up that early to MAKE money, not spend it. and #2 The way I shop, I buy my kids GAP and Ralph Lauren clothes for under $3 so garage sales aren't that appealing to me. I do enjoy giving people good deals and listening to the weird sob stories to get a discount. Saturday Fun!!!

  6. Ha!! Love it. I can join you in garage sales; I have them 2 times a year and look the same away. We start at 6:30 am and sell almost everything for $1.00. When I take the items outside I don't want them back in the house. Cars we have the same mentality no car payments! It's been about the same 5 years and LOVE IT!! Thanks for sharing :)

  7. You are even "too cute" at garage sales:)! Looks like fun!

  8. I love going to garage sales to hunt for things that i can trun into to party props. I go every Saturday morning! However,I think I spend more money on gas than I save buying repurposed items. My husband calls me "penny wise and dollar foolish". I just like the thrill of the hunt for a good deal.. Call me crazy. Plus, I meet some really cool people like you.

  9. Anonymous: Enjoy it! that's 'priceless'
