Thursday, February 9, 2012

Truthful Thursday- Bad Mom Good Mom

My girls had pie for breakfast = Bad mom!

I made them hard boiled eggs= Good mom!

They watched 3 hours of cartoons in the morning= Bad mom!

I put their hair up with some cute bows= Good mom!

I yelled "get in the car now!"= Bad mom!

Once in the car "mommy, can I have gum?" "yes"= Good mom! (LOL)

You get where I am going with this?.....back and forth I feel this you?  I want to be a good mom all the time.  I fail everyday. 

I just want to encourage every mommy out there this week.... Do Your Best!  Your kids will love you no matter what.  If you have daughters, you must go read these 25 rules.....totally worth your time!!  I am applying these rules asap!

Can I tell you how much I love the blog world?  I feel encouraged, motivated, and loved even though I don't know you personally.  Being a mom is hard, but if you think about it, how much harder was it back when our moms had us?  I can't even imagine what life was like to my mom when I was born 20 years ago.....haha!....just kidding....more like 37 years ago....there I said it!....Yes, I am 37 but feel like I am 20....NOT!... lol

Seriously....back to business..... I'd like to challenge us to be more positive and tell your other mommy friends that it's ok to feel like the good and bad mom at the same time.  We are all in the same boat!

Now, I better go to bed before I let my girls have cookies for breakfast so I can sleep another hour....ha!!  



  1. I loved this post! Keep up the great work! XoXo

  2. I love this...its always moms who are down on themselves bc of the things we do wrong but we often forget the things we do right. We need to make a point of pointing out the GOOD things we do BEFORE we concentrate on the negative...thanks for making us aware!!

  3. LOL - I SO can relate to this! it is like a ping-pong game some days playing the Good Mom versus Bad Mom ranking in my head. Oh thank you for the encouragement today!! And thanks too for stopping by Teagan's Travels. I so hope you can join us for the Destination: Inspiration Tuesday linky party!
