Thursday, February 2, 2012

Truthful Thursday- Buying stuff

First Thursday in February!! Can you believe it?  
It seems like I just got done putting Christmas stuff 

Here's what I want to share with you today......... 

I am so guilty of this....are you? 

I used to think credit cards were the best thing ever until I met my husband 12 years ago!  He is very good at spending and saving for the most part.  He still buys things I would never buy, but that's probably a guy thing....haha! I am so happy he takes care of our finances because I can spend every penny in our joke!  I love to shop and shop and shop until I I also have 2 daughters that need shoes in every color right?.....did you notice I typed "need".....yup!  I trick myself into thinking they "need" but they don't!

We live in a very competitive world. I was born and raised in Mexico, but people there also try to impress other people with "stuff".  Why do we think having stuff makes us more valuable, liked, accepted, successful?  Trust me, I struggle with this often.  I wish I had this and that, and more of this, and a nicer car, and a bigger bedroom, and a bigger kitchen and a bigger closet to put more clothes in.....bla, bla, bla,....endless list right?

Well....I try really try to teach my girls to be frugal and to buy things when they are on sale or gently used.  Lucky for me, they love to shop at garage sales!  It's our Saturday morning routine lately.  The girls think I am the coolest mom for letting them drink some coffee with caramel when we are out shopping garage sales....shhhh don't tell my hubby about the girls drinking coffee...ha!!

My oldest needs a dresser really desire is for her to have the best, most beautiful and expensive dresser out there.  Isn't that what you wish for your child too?  Well....our bank account allowed for me to buy this from a garage sale.....

Is this ugly or what?  I hate it!  I didn't tell my daughter that, but I really do not like how this looks and I wouldn't put this in her room.  However, I can probably teach my girls a good lesson after purchasing this.  They will see me and my friend Rebecca from Fresh Chick Design Studio refinish this piece to make it look like a million bucks!!!  I can't wait to show you the after pictures and the total I spent!.... love the challenge :)

Are you a shopaholic?
Do you buy things on sale?
Do you use coupons?
Are you debt-free? Don't tell me because I will be


  1. That dresser has great lines--I think you are going to love it! Can't wait to see the finished product!
    I try to truthfully define needs and wants before I buy something. It's hard to do, but I want to set a good example for my children.

  2. I think we all have this feeling at some point or another in our lives, but like you we will instill in our children the value of a dollar AND the value of ouselves. It is very hard in our society but it can be done IF you do not try to keep up with people who probibly don't have a dime saved!! We just paid off our last CC 3 weeks ago and it feels good BUT we still have debt mortgage, SUV and daily not debt free
    Great find for your DD I am sure this will turn out FANTASTIC with a little sanding, primer and paint and/or stain it will be a million bucks for sure!! Can't wait to see before/after pics : )

    Thank you for the Thursday morning reality boost, you DO NOT need materialistic things to be happy....wonderful motivation and life lesson.

  3. I am not a saver, but I am not a big spender either. We have one credit card for emergencies and we use it very rarely. I always pay for things with cash whenever possible. Christmas is ALWAYS in cash. When the cash runs out, that's when I stop. I love thrift stores, hand me downs and bargains. I too want my kids to have the best, but that sometimes is just not going to happen. Giving your kids your time is always going to be more important than anything you could buy them.

  4. Im sure that dresser will be gorgeous once you guys are done with it!! I do buy a lot too but NEVER pay regular price, Im usually buying stuff for my kids, people think I spend a lot of money when they come to my parties but I do everything myself and buy ahead everything on sale, like the favors and stuff, When I see them really cheap and I know I can use them later I buy them and yes it gets used eventually! I teach my oldest daughter to buy on sale, she actually gets excited about coupons lol.. And when we go to the store I dont buy everything they want just if needed. Nice Post!!

  5. Another Truthful Thursday post I LOVE and can relate to. Here's the question: OMG where are you going to find the time to refurbish it? I love crafts and painting but can't even seem to fit sleep into my schedule :( You're a Wonder Woman so I'm sure you'll get it done and done well. Can't wait to see the end dresser. XoXo
