Thursday, February 23, 2012

Truthful Thursday- Depression

Psalm 56:8

You keep track of all my sorrows.  You have collected all my tears in your bottle.  You have recorded each one in your book.
Do you ever feel like you are sad, hurt, emotionally exhausted, like nobody really cares?   
I believe in God.  I believe He cares.  He listens. He loves me. 
Back in 2001 when I got married, I was excited to get pregnant, have a baby and be a stay-at-home mommy.  Little did I know the painful road and countless tears I would shed while going through infertility for almost 5 years.  I remember thinking and praying “why am I going through this?”, “did I do something wrong to deserve this pain?”, “there’s something wrong with me”, “I don’t deserve to be a mom”, etc...etc..  I had all these ugly thoughts in my head and I would cry, cry, cry, and cry.  It was an emotional and painful time in my life.  
Fast forward to 2005 when I finally had my daughter, Ashley.  I was thrilled and could not be happier.  My prayers were answered and my dreams came true.  Thank you, God!
April 2007- I delivered Hannah.  My daughters are 17 months apart.  God has a sense of humor, doesn’t He?  My Ashley was 9 months old when I found out I was pregnant!! I was in shock for about 4 would think I’d be so happy to have these gorgeous healthy girls.  I had postpartum depression after my second girl was born. 
I was judgmental.  I didn’t believe in depression.  I thought people could just snap out of it and be fine.  I had no idea!!  Postpartum depression shocked me to the core.  My doctor put me on medication right away.  I could not understand why I was so depressed. I had no desire to do anything, not even walk to my mailbox to get the mail.  I was overwhelmed, anxious, exhausted, angry, sad and felt inadequate. This is not me.  I knew something was wrong. I remember crying over everything.  It took almost a year for me to feel normal again.  There was no need to take more medication.  I replaced my medication with this.....LOL

All this to say that we all have burdens to overcome. We all cry and have struggles.  God knows your pain.  He will never forget how you feel.  He wants to bless you.  I love the verse in the bible that says:
For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Jeremiah 29:11
I had no idea He had great plans for my life.  I feel content and completely blessed.  His plans are better than mine and I have to trust Him.  
Have you experienced depression?  How did you get over it?


  1. This is wonderful, Nancy!!! Thank you for posting such beautiful truths from God!

  2. I love that verse from Jeremiah. It's always such a comfort to know that God is in control no matter how out of control our lives may seem. :-)


  3. That was so brave of you to post! When I feel depressed I try to stay away from blogger because I don't feel like I can write anything worthy of posting. But that was really real of you.

    I don't know you personally, so I may be out of line when saying this but, don't forget how strong you are.

    Peace <3

  4. Nancy, I love your blog and especially your Truthful Thursday posts. Thank you for being so honest and sharing yourself with your readers.

  5. I have depression/anxiety and use medication and workbooks now and then. It's a difficult thing, thanks for being open and sharing about it! Glitter always helps :-)

  6. I, too, struggled with infertility before giving birth to my son, Hugh in 2003. He was born at only 24 wks. gestation. He is a strong, healthy, smart 2nd grader now! We then continued to struggle with infertility and then were told we couldn't have any more babies. When I finally "let go and let God" I became a much happier, healthier person and guess what? I then gave birth to our daughter, Claire, and were surprised to find out 12 months later, our son, Oliver was on the way! :) I know all about the depression too. Anxiety was and continues to be a constant struggle. I've found that crafting and blogging help that too! :) Thanks for sharing!


  7. Amazing what crafting can do! It certainly helped me through empty nest syndrome!
