Wednesday, March 21, 2012

New A to Zebra Celebrations' Blog Contributor

WELCOME to the team, Kristy!!

She is our new DIY Blog Contributor! 
She is super talented, creative and her ideas will blow you away!

Kristy has a fabulous blog called, The Diary of Daves Wife.  She is happily married and she has one little boy.  She lives in Arizona.  She loves to create things with her own two hands.  Her favorite color is red.  She is obsessed with polka dots and stripes.  She collects pretty shoes, preferably high heels.  She loves to spend time in her kitchen where she cooks yummy things to share with family and friends.

Follow Kristy's blog HERE.  

You can read Kristy's past posts HERE and HERE

So happy to have you Kristy!
Will you give her a warm welcome pretty please?


  1. As I can see she is so bright and cheerful girl - she should be suitable for this job!

  2. Hi Kristy! So glad you're on A to Zebra! ;) If you have any tasty push-up pop recipes I'd LOVE to try them!
    ;) Emily

  3. WELCOME Kristy! Excited to see your ideas and check out your blog :)
