Thursday, March 1, 2012

Truthful Thursday- I wish......

I wish I could sing (I suck even at karaoke...ha!)
I wish I could dance (you'd think I could since I have Latin
I wish I had a smaller nose...don't like it!
I wish I had no spider veins on my thighs :(
I wish I was more disciplined with my schedule and not be late all the time....always running
I wish I liked football (to please my hubby)
I wish my eyelashes would grow
I wish I knew how to apply eyeshadow and pretty make up
I wish I could decorate cakes
I wish I was a morning person
I wish I would have finished my College degree
I wish I would play more with my girls
I wish I could draw
I wish I planned my meals
I wish I read my Bible more
I wish I was better at making decisions
I wish I was better at saving money
I wish I had lots of money to go visit orphanages in Mexico and help those poor kids
I wish I was athletic
I wish I had lower expectations of myself!

Here are some of my favorite encouraging quotes:

"Lower your expectations of earth. This isn't heaven, so don't expect it to be" ~Max Lucado~

"God is much more concerned about your character than your career, because you will take your character into eternity, but not your career" ~Rick Warren~

"God is far more interested in what you are than who you are" ~Rick Warren~

"You weren't an accident. You weren't mass produced. You aren't an assembly-line product. You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted, and lovingly positioned on the Earth by the Master Craftsman" ~Max Lucado~

"Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less" ~Rick Warren~

What do you wish you could do that you can't?


  1. I must say THANK YOU so much for stopping by and inviting me over, because your post is exactly what I have been feeling {for a while now}.. I needed to read that today, so thanks!!!
    Also I did go ahead and link up my printables, so many other super cute ones too, what a great idea to have a link up just for prints!!
    I will come back often!

  2. Beautiful post... I wish some of those same things; however I can help you with the eyeshadow/makeup wish - the secret is "blending" : )

  3. I wish I was crafty.. at all . I am trying but just don't think I am ... :(
