Thursday, March 29, 2012

Truthful Thursday ~ Stressed & Blessed

I am wiped out, I am stressed, so much on my plate these past 2 weeks!
My husband and little one were sick with bronchitis, strep throat and sinus was rough!  My house continues to be a total wreck, laundry piles by the second and I just look around and want to cry you ever feel that way?

Carey from sent me the nicest email a few weeks ago.  I am so touched by her thoughtfulness.  These devotionals are the perfect gift for any friend, mommy, sister, aunt, grandma, etc...Thank you so much Carey for your precious heart! I feel blessed :)

I love this she added on her business cards "Walk in and out of each day satisfied because the Bible, not cupcakes, has filled you up."

I have this set on my kitchen counter and pull out a card to read every day.  There are so many great ones about anger, disappointment, self control, doubt, family, forgiveness, etc... I honestly need to read them all multiple times a 

We are going on a family vacation very soon and I am excited, but stressed....really? you get stressed when going on vacation?  I want to enjoy the time away and celebrate my daughter's 5th birthday!  
Guess what?
There's a devotional about "vacation" it!

I find this is a great way to stay encouraged, uplifted and energized.  
Mommy has to keep going...... you know?

How is your week going?


  1. Awe hugs to you and the family. I hate when sickness plagues the house. It consumes every part of my brain that is functioning!!

  2. Sounds like my December! Hugs to you :)
