Monday, October 11, 2010

Halloween Candy Skewers

Candy skewers are becoming very popular these days!  They are so fun to make!!!  I just made some for my girls' halloween girly party yesterday!  You must check these out from Red Couch Recipes.  They are adorable!!!

Here are the ones I made for my girls' Halloween party!

Have you made these?  If so, can you send me some pics to share at

Here are some pics from Lizard & Ladybug blog....she did an awesome job on her candy them!!! 

Thanks for sharing Staci!


  1. Your skewers are GORGEOUS!Love the color combo!

  2. Those turned out sooo cute! I haven't made them but Staci did here:

    I'm sure if you e-mailed her, she would be honored to be featured! Just tell her that I sent you!

  3. These look like loads of fun. I may have to make some for my boys. I'm sure even at 17 and 19 they will still like them.
