Saturday, November 27, 2010

Christmas Candy Trees

Such a wonderful time of year right?!!!  Everyone is out there getting ready for the holidays!  Our Christmas tree is yours?  The girls have their pink tree up in their rooms too! 

We are now talking about when to host our next party...ha!  I was sitting here reading one of the hundreds of blogs I read often and I found this super cute idea!...Candy Holiday Trees!...Oh LOVE them!

Ashley from Simply Designing has an awesome blog if you are looking for some creative decorating ideas!  Be sure to stop'll love it!


Can you make these?!!!  I sure can!  I will try them and show you what I come up with!! I'm inspired!  Thank you Ashley for sharing your wonderful ideas!!!
Happy Holidays!!!


  1. Awe!! Have that same pink x-mas tree for Lauren's room!

  2. Thanks for featuring me!

    I can't wait to see how your candy trees turn out!


  3. Made a bunch of these 3 yrs ago while on bedrest (with my now almost 3 yr old. Dec 6)I still have/use them...time consuming but fun. It was something my other kids could jump on the bed and help me with as a way to connect. Tip: When you are done using, spray them with a good coat of Shillac (sp?), wrap in bubble wrap and store - assuming youd use them year to year!

  4. Oh how I wish I could afford to change out the decor on my Christmas tree each year. I am loving ALL the trees. Niiiice.

  5. Love this idea, but I think I would probably use ice cream cones as the base to stay with the edible thing.
