Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year- New Blog Posts!

Happy New Year 2011!!!!!

I hope you have had an amazing Christmas & New Years!  I've enjoyed the down time with my family.  It has been nice to have had some lazy days!

My new years resolutions list is a mile long...ha!  How about yours?  I really don't like this deal about new years resolutions... I feel like I fail every year!  Instead, I have decided to do the best I can all year long and not pressure myself to meet these unrealistic goals!  However, I have some exciting things coming this year!  You will just need to follow to find out...stay tuned :)

One thing I am going to do is blog 5 days per week consistently.....yikes!....I better think about this.....yup! ...I want to try at least.....ok?  So here's my idea and topics I will blog about:

Mondays- Menu Ideas, Recipes & More
Marvelous Giveaway (Second Monday of the month)

Tuesdays- Terrific Party Ideas (unique themes, decor, kids crafts, etc)

Wednesdays- Wonderful Cookies/Cakes/Desserts

Thursdays- Talented Friend Interview (Etsy Sellers and/or Talented Women)

Fridays- Featured Party (Send me your parties)

What do you all think?  What kind of info do you wish to read on here?  Leave me some feedback and I'd love to blog about your ideas too!


  1. Sounds FABULOUS! You can do anything you set your mind to! <3

  2. Sounds great! I have a similar plan but only 3 times a week! But I have finally laid a schedule's hoping that I can stick to it!


  3. Sounds great Nancy! Can I be like you when I grow up, you are just so organized! XO!
