Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday Party Feature - Mickey Mouse Fire Fighter

What do you do when your child LOVES Mickey and Firefighters?

You combine the two themes and throw a Mickey Mouse Firefighter party!
Check out this adorable HALF birthday party that Britt of Pink Balloons and Macarons threw for her little guy.
What is super amazing about this party is how everything pulled together so perfectly at the very last minute, with little effort, and so cost efficiently!

The tissue poms are made from plastic tablecloths!  I love that idea!
 LOVE those Mickey cupcakes!  Soooo easy!

Super cute party, Britt!
Congrats on being today's winning party feature.
To see more photos and hear more about this party, visit her over at her NEW blog HERE!


  1. What a great party! When your little one wants something specific it can be tough if it's a strange combination. This one worked out so well.

  2. Reminds me of my grandchildren's recent birthday (brother & sister). Theirs ended up a "dinosaur & butterfly" party theme! Now, that was a challenge. :-)

  3. thanks so much for featuring my darling Sutton's party. He is such a sweetheart and had such a fun time! have a great day!! hugs! Britt

  4. I adore this party. So much charm. Very cute.
