Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wonderful Websites Every Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday!! 
I'm so excited to share my facebook page has now 5,000+ people who "LIKE" A To Zebra Celebrations!! THANK YOU everyone for your support, encouragement and lovely comments!

How do we celebrate? I'm having a 50% off sale in my etsy shop.  This includes EVERYTHING in the shop. Enter code: THANKYOUFANS at checkout. Sale good through 7/29/11 at midnight (AZ time)
Would you be so kind and share this on your facebook page pretty please? I will love you forever!

As  you know, every Wednesday I invite everyone to link their etsy shop or any web business you might have.  If you don't have a business but know someone that does, be sure to let them know to come post their link.
*Note- Be sure to add your business name and not your name.*


  1. Hi Nancy ~

    I love the fact you allow us to post a link to our shops or websites!! For some reason today, it didn't take my business button ~ if there is anyway I can change this please let me know ~ otherwise I'll wait until next week!!

    Have a great day!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you, again, Nancy! Really appreciate you letting so many great shops share their links! :)

    Have a wonderful week,
    Jessica :)

  4. Thanks for the opportunity SO NICE!! Grabbing your button and will mention the sale in your shop. :)

  5. Thanks for the Networking opportunity!!! you're so sweet!

  6. Thank you so much Nancy! Everyone appreciates this wonderful opportunity :)

  7. Thank you for the opportunity! Really appreciate it.

  8. Whoops! I put the link but hit submit before I added a picture and now I cant delete or add a new link. Please help :)

  9. Thank you for letting us share!

  10. Thanks so much for letting us share our shops!

  11. Nancy, congrats again on 5000 fans...what an accomplishment! And thanks bunches for allowing us to link up here. Great idea! :)

  12. Thank you for sharing girls!! It is my pleasure to let you share your fabulous business!! XOXO

    Jennifer- I deleted your link, please re-enter :)

  13. Congrats on your success! Your Mom is busy making a giant pinata for me. So excited! Thanks for letting us share!
