Friday, February 10, 2012

Party Feature - Valentines Party

Today's Party Feature is brought to you by Amanda with Amanda's Parties to Go!

The very talented Amanda threw this Valentines party for her daughters and is it ever pretty. Both of her daughter's names start with "M" so she decided on M&M's Sweet Shoppe. So fun! Loving the tall flowers on the dessert table, and how about those parfaits she made using red and pink pudding? So cute!

Looks like such a fun party and I'm sure the girls all had a blast! Lovely job as always, Amanda!

Styling & Printables: Amanda's Parties to Go!


  1. What a wonderful party! I love it!!

  2. Love everything but especially the parfaits!

    Thanks for stopping by Reading Confetti!

  3. Yay, I am your 1100th follower! I decided to check out your blog, since you were so sweet to stop by mine, and I am loving your blog! This is just too fun not to be a reader!
