Thursday, February 16, 2012

Truthful Thursday- Friends

"If someone hurts you, go to the throne not the phone" - Joyce Meyer

I had the privilege to go see Joyce Meyer last Thursday with some of my friends.  She is an amazing woman.  I admire her so much! She is wise and kind. 

I don't know about you, but I have struggled with some female relationships in the past.  What is this about? I am not perfect by any means, but I can't understand the trouble to have good good good friends.

My husband tells me I use the word "friend" often.  He thinks they are more like acquaintances.  He might be right.

I am friendly, I welcome people into my life easily.  I open up and like everyone (for the most part) lol

I've had friends (or I thought we were) stopped talking to me, but not tell me why?

Have you had this happen to you?  It's hurtful right?.....
I am thankful God is there for me.  I can share all my feelings and He understands even though I don't.  

Maybe I need to buy this book?  Have you read it?  I hate reading because it makes me

What are your thoughts on female friendships?  
Do you recommend other books?


  1. Nancy, I've said this to you before... but, I just have to say it again - I love how open and real you are. It takes a lot of courage to open yourself up to us (perfect strangers) and allow us to share your world with you and I absolutely admire you for that.

    I can definitely relate when it comes to female friendships - I could understand when I was younger highschool/college age and had a difficult time with forgiving or building female friendships, but I didn't know it got harder the older you became? I love my female friends dearly and consider some as my "sister", but now they're just plain ole' mean and not as fun as they used to be - I guess life has changed everyone (Husbands, Kids, Jobs, etc.) and I try to be understanding to everyone's situation, but sometimes I get tired of being the "bigger" person and I just think it's time to move on from my sour friendships/relationships and create a new network of friends...which is scary!

    Most people want to work on their marriage, but I want to work on my friendships... I just don't know how to do it when the other end is stubborn as a mule and not willing to communicate : /

    Regarding books... they make me sleepy too - lol! If they're not illustrated and filled with pictures you can count me out : )

    xoxo, Tish

  2. A good book to read: "The Friend Who Got Away: Twenty Women's True Life Tales of Friendships that Blew Up, Burned Out or Faded Away ". It was an easy read and was very helpful. Good Luck!
