Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Baseball Party

I know I don't post a lot of "boy" parties.  It's not intentional, but I only know how to do "girly" parties...ha!  It seems to me there are more girls parties out there, but maybe because I have daughters :)

Today, I am sharing this super fun baseball party from the amazing Jodee at "Follow The Leaders" blog.  She did a wonderful job!  Congrats!

Here's b-day boy with this little sister.  You see they are wearing "baseball" outfits?  How cute are they?! Jodee ordered the clothes from HERE.

Their daddy made the cupcakes and baseball special is that?!  He made home-made ice cream as well....yummmy!  Mommy made the cupcake guys are a great team! :)
This punch looks amazing!  She posted the recipe on her blog :)
Love all the little details...see the stickers?  They read "Thank you for coming to my party, I had a ball!"...super cute!
This party turned out fantastic!  You can go to Jodee's blog to see more photos and read all the details on where she found her ideas!

Thank you for letting me share Jodee!  You can throw amazing parties my friend! Your kids are lucky to have such a wonderful mommy!


  1. Thank you sooo much for posting our party. We had a great time! One more month until the zebra party but who is counting?!

  2. what a cute party!!! Love the popcorn with 'pops' of red!
