Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sweet Shoppe Party

I'm so excited to finally share this party with you all!  Shelley from the "How Does She?" website was the winner of one of my giveaways a few months ago.  She received a free custom banner from my etsy shop. 

She had the most amazing party for her twin girls, Chloe & Sophie.  Here are just a few photos, but you must go check out her website to read all about it.... ABSOLUTELY DARLING!!!!
Here's the banner I made to match the theme :)

These cakes looks yummylicious!!!! :)

What do you think????  Is this the sweetest party you've ever seen or what??!


  1. How adorable! I love all of the pink and the cakes look soooo delicious!

    My computer has crashed so I am checking in from work quick!

    Hope you had a great 4th of July!

  2. OMG!! Sooooo cute! Love it! Very fabulous!!

  3. Amazing! How Fabulous is this party!! Your banner is simply beautiful. Adorable.

  4. Your banner is great!!! This looks like the Eat Drink Chic Ice Cream Parlor! Very nice.
