Thursday, June 10, 2010

Giraffe Party

I am helping another good friend of mine with her son and daughter's giraffe party.  Her kids are 3 years and 5 days apart.  She decided to have one party for both of them.  It will be on Father's day weekend.  She told me to add a turquoise blue and hot pink to the giraffe print paper.  I think it looks fabulous with the brown!  I am making their birthday banner and party hats.  I looked around for some cute ideas in case you are planning a giraffe party yourself!  Here is the collage I came up with :)

Orange giraffe balloons found on
Giraffe address labels found HERE
Giraffe dress and shoes are from Gymboree
Giraffe note cards found HERE
Giraffe invitations found HERE
Giraffe covered oreo cookies found HERE
Giraffe shaped cookies found HERE

I will post photos of her party for you to see how it turns out!


  1. Great giraffe finds! I especially love the Oreo cookies and dress!

    I am having so much fun with the zebra party that I actually thought about doing a giraffe party next year!

  2. i can't wait to see the hats. I am having a giraffe themed party for my daughter's first bday. bown, lime green and turqouise. i neet a girafe hat with a lime green 1 and turqouise boa type fluff at the bottom and top
