Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Girly Dinosaur Party

I have been quite busy this past week AND this week is no different.  No complaining though, business is good.  I want to blog more, but there isn't enough hours in my day...do you feel that way?  I will try harder and post more often :)

My friend Tricia is now having a girly dinosaur party for her daughter who is turning 3 on July 3rd.  I think it's going to be soooooooooooooo stinkin' adorable!  You are going to love it.  I know it seems like all I do is girl parties, but I have plans to add more boy themes as well.  I was excited to sell my "Airplane" theme party package yesterday.  Boy parties are not my strength, but I am trying to get more ideas and go with them! :)

I created this dinosaur party collage for some inspiration.  I love pink and green together.  These are the colors I chose to decorate my oldest daughter's room.  So fun!

Pink dinosaur bow top left corner came from HERE.
Pink & green dinosaur polka dot dress found HERE.
Dinosaur invitation is HERE.
Pink & green bow found HERE.
Dinosaur cake is my favorite and I found it HERE.
Dinosaur cookies were found HERE.
Ribbon topiary idea HERE.

I am also working on some banners to match this gorgeous dress that a customer sent me!  Photos coming soon!  Stay tuned...

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I agree, I need WAY more time!!! Love the inspiration board! I love the idea of a girly dinosaur party too!

    Kim @ http://frostmeblog.blogspot.com
    party inspiration
