Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ice Cream Social Party

WOW!!! Sorry I have been MIA......It was a rough week loosing my husband's friend in the line of duty, but I'm back....... it's a new day, but my heart still hurts for his family and everyone that knew him.  May God comfort them and give them peace every day.  

I have been meaning to share this adorable party from Emily at Tiny Belles has some great ideas if you are thinking about doing this theme!

The invite from Pen and Paperflower

These cute pots have all the toppings for the ice cream....cuteness!

The banner....
Isn't this such a super cute idea? cream cones made with tissue paper hanging from the tree....adorable!

Great job Emily! Thank you for sharing your party with us!  Go visit her blog for more photos and details HERE.


  1. cute!
    & you have been in my thoughts and prayers

    Melissa ;)

  2. The invite is so precious! Great party :-)

  3. I love this! I especially love all the toppings in the terra cotta pots. I've always thought this would be a super fun theme. I may combine Dylan and Maya's birthday next year, so this would be good for a boy/girl party. I love seeing all the different ideas on your blog, thanks Nancy!
