Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Pink Zebra Party

This talented mommy threw an amazing pink zebra party for her sweet, Kamree. I love to see what you moms come up with after seeing some of my parties!  You totally rock Jodee!!! We could be great party planners together :)

Love the cookie idea for favors!
Details....love these stickers on the chocolate kisses :)
Adorable pom poms :)
Good job on the cupcakes!
Kamree is gorgeous! The outfit is so cute!
Thank you Jodee for sharing your party with us! You are an inspiration to all of us! :) Go check out her blog to read all the details about her party!


  1. Thank you so much for featuring us today! As you know, you inspire me on a daily basis!

  2. Adorable! I love it all, and those pretzels look amazing. Is it me or are there words on the pretzels???
    New follower, loving your blog.

