Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Easter Cupcakes

I LoVe, LOvE, LOVE these little carrot topped cupcakes from Disney!
Too Stinkin' Cute!

Here's what you'll need:
  • Orange Starburst candies (one for each carrot)
  • Kitchen skewer or toothpick
  • Kitchen scissors
  • Green Twizzlers
  • Batch of white frosted cupcakes
  • Cinnamon sugar 
(Or you know what cupcakes would be good here??  
Some yummy Snickerdoodle cupcakes which have a cinnamon sugar topping.  
You can find the recipe over on my blog HERE.)

Knead each Starburst candy and roll it into a mini carrot shape. If the candy is too stiff, you can microwave it for 4 or 5 seconds, but don't overdo it -- the candy will melt if it's overheated.
Then use the skewer or toothpick to make a hole about 1/4-inch deep in the top of each carrot.

Cut 1 1/2-inch lengths from a Twizzler and then snip them in half vertically. 
Turn each half into a leafy top by cutting fringe in one end. 

Insert the carrot tops into the holes in the carrots. If they don't fit, try trimming the bases a bit to taper them, or use the skewer tip to gently push them in place.
Super cute, huh???  
I'll be featuring these little cuties on my news segment Thursday night so stay tuned to my blog, Pirates-n-Princesses, to see the full spread!


  1. These are the cutest things ever. Thanks for sharing.

  2. these are so cute-I have seen them baked in mini terracotta pots with crushed oreos for the soil!

  3. Susan, I LOVE that idea... maybe I'll do that instead!!! :)

  4. Those are SO cute!!! You are creative! Thanks for sharing!
